Journal 6: A Full Outline

October 12, 2015

Last meeting, Jack and I hammered out the outline for the story. I think it’s pretty good:


  • Monty wakes up at 4:30 to begin his day

    • Shares a bedroom with Maddox. Maddox: “Turn that stupid alarm off!”

  • Monty goes about his busy day

    • Studying by night light

    • National Honor Society

    • Karate or Tennis (Something physical. Tennis may be best option) Romaine is a part of Tennis Club

    • (Insert 3rd Extracurricular Here) Suggestion: Goes and hangs out with friends or a girl or something. To try to be balanced. 2nd Suggestion: Watches his favorite TV show or something. To try to get time for enjoyment into his life. 3rd Suggestion: Both of my first two.

  • Maddox

    • Almost late to school

    • Failing classes

    • After school tutoring

    • Glad when school is over

  • Monty talks to Craig, the advisor

Inciting Incident:

  • Monty is about to get kicked out of his clubs because his commitments are screwed up

    • He can’t afford to have a blemish on his record

  • Over exerts himself to create Vocelyne. In theory it’s supposed to give him more waking hours without harmful side effects. (Instead of increasing heart rate [like stimulant drugs], it energizes his nervous system.)

  • It doesn’t quite go as plan and he is bestowed with the power of super speed

  • Craig warns him that dropping out of the clubs would put him on a lower tier for acceptance.

Rising Action:

  • Monty goes forward with his plan on using Vocelyne because he gets addicted to having all of this “free time”

  • Monty is able to get to all his clubs and keep his dedication by his new power of super speed

  • Monty realizes that the drug has other side effects that help him with productivity like super strength for PE class, and z

  • Monty keeps being shocked by random objects and it gets increasingly worse

    • lightning strikes

    • It becomes obvious that continued use of Vocelyne could put Monty into mortal danger

      • Monty doesn’t want to admit it

      • Maddox realizes this and destroys the rest of the Vocelyne

    • OCD level increases. Insomnia.

  • Maddox and Monty have a confrontation

    • Monty says something to Maddox that makes Maddox doubt his capabilities. Something with Romaine helping his brother out. (Is Romaine tying your shoes now?)


  • Maddox recruits Romaine to save Monty

    • They create more Vocelyne with help of Monty’s notes

    • Only use as a last resort

  • Monty refuses to be rescued

  • Kicked out of a club

    • Sends Monty off the deep end

    • Rampaging. Power outages.

  • Maddox does something heroic. Drains his brother of Vocelyne by stalling and...

    • Grounds his brother so he wouldn’t shock the innocent. Rubber galoshes.

  • Monty’s Vocelyne runs out and he passes out. Maddox does the same.

Falling Action/ Resolution/ End:

  • Romaine visits Maddox and Monty in the hospital

    • “You guys are both idiots!”

  • Maddox realizes that he is capable

    • “If I wasn’t so stupid, I would have come up with a better idea…”

    • “You still saved me and the entire freaking town Maddox.”

  • Maddox teaches Monty there will always be shortcomings, something you can’t do or won’t be good at

  • Maddox and Romaine work on their project while Monty finally sleeps


  • It’s 4:30 am and Monty’s alarm rings

    • Maddox: “Turn that thing off!”

    • Monty pauses, smiles, and turns it off. Nestles down in the covers and sleeps some more

I’m really grateful to have Jack as a partner. He’s pretty good at looking at something a different way or finding things I didn’t notice. I couldn’t have done this part without him. I have all I need to start writing! Now I just need a good, free space to start getting this done. I plan on having the first draft completed by the end of October.

Right now, the thing I’m most worried about is the climax. We want the build up of tension we have to reach a satisfying peak. Monty has a destruction scene. That’s going to be hard to pull off. I mean, even the simplest scenes will probably be hard to coordinate.

I think momentum will be a key part of this project. The production month, January, needs to be thorough, but efficient. The entire project is literally running on how well that month goes. Ooh the pressure! >.< Not to mention, it’s going to be cold. That’s takes more people out of the background, but the actors and the crew members will be miserable. That probably means more shooting days, but shorter days, (unless it’s inside.)

Ugh! I’m stressing myself out already! I’ll focus on this part in November. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to everything this meeting. I didn’t get to talk about the timeline, production details, or the screenwriting software. I will see if I can meet with him later this week and we can discuss these points.