Journal 24: “Wrap in no more than four days”

January 31, 2016

Jack has talked to the cast and crew and we hope to have a meeting where we can plan filming the last parts of the movie. Hopefully we can wrap before February break, which means we have two weeks to finish. I assume we will need more than 4 more days of photography. One school day to shoot scene 26, a rather large and important scene, and another to shoot scenes 11 and 27, school hallway scenes. They are relatively simple. Once that's over, that's it for school filming! Finally, we'll use the last day to go back to Jack’s house to film the hallway and street scenes. We may take an extra day if we don't get to the outside scenes and if we do, use the time to shoot the first part of scene 8. (There is a major wardrobe continuity error). This would require going back to the Russell’s house, but there are a few more shots I missed anyway, and with a smaller crew, we’ll be faster. We also need a really small crew (literally 2-3 people and one of them is Carter) to film Monty running around the football field.

Okay, so I lied. No more than 5 days.

That's a lot considering what we’ve already done. I did not expect the photography period to last this long. At least they're small.

As for an editing update, I’ve pretty much finished the rough cuts of all the scenes we’ve shot. (Well, I’ve got about 5 more to go.) When I’m finished, I assemble them into a rough cut timeline, leaving spaces for the scenes we still need to shoot.

As I look at the rough edits for the scenes, I see that they are going to need a lot of work in the VFX, color, and sound design department. Especially sound. I’m going to need a lot of time if I want to get it in the place where it needs to be. Where I can (maybe) suspend the audience’s disbelief. I’ve only given it two weeks on the calendar, but I may need more. I think I will try to go through VFX and color as fast as possible. Sound is my weakest and it takes a lot of work.