Journal 9: Partners In Production

October 25, 2015

I specifically set aside this weekend to work on the script. Just I thought I my schedule would be somewhat free. I was wrapping up my story for convergence media, finished a long week of readings in APUSH, and the only real work I had to do was give a children’s sermon at my church over the weekend. I should have had ample time.

Of course, my teachers and my family had different agendas. I had to write a news brief over the weekend in convergence and start a whole project, that came out of the blue, in APUSH.  Plus, I have a biorhythms assignment in Pre- Calc. Saturday, I spent most of my day at the Morehouse Homecoming game and Sunday, a quarter my day was spent at church and the other three-quarters at my grandmother’s house having a party with my relatives. (Not to say it wasn’t fun, it just took up lots of work time.)

Needless to say, I’m up at 12:00 trying to put more down on the screenplay. As of 12:12 I’ve gotten to page 7, which is pretty good. However, I’m not that far in the story. In fact, the scene with Craig and Monty’s first meeting is taking up 2 pages. I assume the first draft is going to be around 15 pages long, so I better get to it. I’ve already come up with a writing schedule for the rest of the week so I can systematically finish the first draft on time.

It’s almost 1:00 and I’ve gotten to page 9 for the script. I think that’s a good stopping place. I had lots of momentum that session and I thought I got some good work done. There are still a lot of story gaps, but I think I’m on the “write” track.

Tomorrow I planned on getting to page 8, but I’m a bit ahead already. I think I’ll take the day off for writing if I get too much homework tomorrow.

October 26, 2015

Jack just got the entire Adobe creative cloud today! Now he has Adobe Story Plus so he can edit the screenplay. He’s got all of the features!

We decided that he should invest in the Adobe Creative Cloud for a few reasons. One, we can hand off edits during the project. I can work on it, give him my hard drive, he can review and make edits to my edtis. Not to mention the added design capabilities he will receive with software like Illustrator and Photoshop.

Of course our true editing comes into the future? Why now? For one, Jack can go ahead and start practicing editing. We have some VFX test shots coming up soon and that’ll be great VFX practice. On a more practical note, there was a 60% off discount for students and teachers. It was only going to last until the end of the week (October 30), so we needed to get it soon to take advantage of it. I’m going to use the next few days to try to train him up.  I’ve got lots of sources that taught me editing over the past two, three years. I can’t wait! Post production can go much faster if Jack knows how to edit (and becomes an editing beast in the process.) Plus, if we go through with our documentary behind-the-scenes idea, he can work on that and I can focus on the film. (We’d swap of course.)

Jack’s downloading Premiere as we speak and he’s making a couple of comments on the current draft (Draft 0.3). Man, we’re gearing up the partners of production!