Journal 10: ...And Scene!

27 October 2015

Jack and I had a project meeting at Chick-Fil-A today. We finished going over the schedule and refine a little bit of points over the screenplay. I shared my concerns with certain parts and he was able to inspire me to think of it in other ways. Good ol’ Jack. It was a productive meeting, but it was cut short because Jack had places to be.

2 November 2015

Ah! Made it to November. Things scheduled for this month:

  • Peer Reviews

  • Location Scouting

  • Complete second and third drafts of the screenplay

  • Create a cast and crew wish list and begin casting

  • VFX Test Days x3

We are getting close to the final stages of pre- production. Getting really excited and really nervous!

I was supposed to finish the script two days ago, but here I am, on page 15 and still at the rising action. I haven’t been able to work on it at all this week until today, so over the course of a few hours, I got out out six pages. I definitely write with momentum. I’m really happened with the way this one scene turned out. I think it strengthens the conflict between Monty and Maddox.

InT. sherman bedroom - EVENING

Maddox enters the room, drained of energy. Slumped over, he drags his feet towards his bed. He throws his book bag on the floor and collapses on his spread. He begins to snore.

A few seconds later... FWISH! Papers fly everywhere and Monty stands in the midst of it all.


Hiya bro!

Maddox jumps nearly a foot in the air. He falls off the side of the bed.


Just had the best day today. Became the captain of the football, tennis, and track team all in twenty minutes.


So that stuff is really working for you?


Is it ever! I should have made Vocelyne ages ago! I've increased my speed and productivity and with no harmful side eff-

Maddox turns to face his brother.

Monty has gone completely rigid. His skin is pale grey. Slowly he teeters forward and lands on the ground, face first.



He edges towards his brother. Crouching down he slowly reaches out his hand and taps him on the shoulder.

CRACK! Maddox bounds backwards, clutching his hand. Touching Monty had shocked him.

Monty flips over suddenly and rises to his feet.



Don't touch me!

His eyes are wild and his skin is still desaturated. The heavy bags have returned under his eyes.

Maddox continues to hold his hand. Tears begin to stream into his eyes. The fabric around his long sleeve shirt is torn and burned.

Monty stares at his brother's injury. His eyes soften a little.

VBBT! VBBT! LIt takes Monty a second to realize the vibration coming from his pocket.

Taking out his phone and looking at the screen, we see it's a voicemail from Craig.

He presses play and puts the phone to his ear.

CRAIG (v.O.)

Hey Montague, I just wanted to let you know that we have started accepting students into the College University program.

His eyebrows raise. His lips upturn into a smile...

CRAIG (v.O.)

Sorry to get your hopes up, it's not you yet.

Monty's face falls rapidly.

CRAIG (v.O.)

We've already given out about five spots. That leaves three more left over, and we are saving it for the top, as you already now. How's that revolutionary idea coming? You don't have very long. Anyway, I'll check back with you in a week or so for your evaluation. Have a nice day.

The voice mail ends but Monty still holds the phone to his ear.


Who was that?


None of your business.

Monty marches out of the room, pushing the door in an angry huff. Maddox follows anxiously behind him.

Int. hallway - cONTINUOUS


Look, I don't think you should be touching this stuff. It's dangerous.


It's just a few kinks I need to work out. Quit whining.

They reach the entrance to Montague labs.


What is this even for anyway?

Monty whips around on Maddox.


What I have here is something revolutionary. Is that too complicated for your little brain to comprehend?

He enters the lab and slams the door in Maddox's face. There is a faint click as he locks it.

Maddox jiggles the knob and pounds on the door.


Open the door!

Intercut to:


After hastily putting on safety goggles and heavy gloves, Monty dashes to the Lighting machine and remove the Vocelyne. He uncorks the container. The Vocelyne erupts with lighting and sparks.

He takes a pipette and gets a sample of the chaotic liquid. Gingerly, he comes back to the door.

Maddox is still trying to force his way in.


Last chance Maddox. Get out of here.

Maddox responds with a renewed effort to get inside. He shakes the door handle more furiously now.

Steadily, Monty drops the sample of Vocelyne onto the door knob. Lightning sparks the handle.


Maddox ROARS in pain as he receives the shock from the door knob. He retreats to the other side of the hallway. His hand horribly burned and smoking



Tears of pain and anguish begin streaming down Maddox's face.

Monty opens the door, taking a hard look at the sorry state of his brother.


I warned you.

He shuts the door, ignoring his brother's wailing and sobs.

I have no idea how long the script is going to be. It could very well make it to the twenty page mark. It’s 12:45 am (it’s actually 1:45 but daylight savings!) I need to have the first draft done before Tuesday, but the script is long and we skipped a couple of parts! I hope we won’t get a lot of homework on Monday because this really needs to get done and my creative energy for tonight is just about spent. Just need one solid push and we might be able to make the deadline, or at least have it done soon enough that it doesn’t ruin the timeline completely.